Ready for breakfast.Tulips meat the Haraijiwaterfall.Th Haraiji waterfall .So wow, a long walk, but definitely worth it: The Bat Falls. if we had the whole day I certainly would have gone down all the way. Actually we did, but took the wrong way.The Gorge Canyon and Falls.Granite rocks.The Gorge Fall.Beautiful rock formations.The Gorge Fall from the other side.Look for the green frog… it took us a while to find him. The sound he made was huge.The woman that owns the building at the back was so friendly to make a picture of us on her bridge in her backyard.Arrived in the Onsen hotel in the middle of a natural park in the middle of nowhere.Great dinner again after a good Onsen.Otai Bunjo Wagyu steak. So tender again. Breeded 500 meters from our Onsen hotel.