The day starts very sunny. Wile up at 6 am to see the sunrise.
Finally sun after 7 days of full continuous rainfall. Due to cyclone Fenga.Balcony view.Many rice fields on our way to Wellawaya.Fresh Tuna.Our view deck and The King’s Lodge.Ready for Safari in our old school Landrover Defender.Safari tour at The King’s Lodge. Water-Buffalo’s.Cristel is spotting the Elephants.Cristel viewing the Elephants.Selfie with the Elephant.Walking slowly away.Eagle.A 3 meter Rattle Snake.Elephants follow each other.Elephants stand side by side.“Muddy Waters”.Sun set.Fisherman comes for The King’s 40th birthday party.Arrack, the local liquor opened up for The King.Great party with fantastic local music. Drums and rhythms.Everybody danced.Arrack, the local liquor.Drumming into the night.“The King”.